Sunday, August 14, 2005

ummm..whats up Doc?

Why do Doctors 'use' such bad writing?Yeah, I am referring to the people in white coat whom you visit when you are so ill that you can not visit anyone else. Tell me, my friend, why do you think Docs writing resemble chicken tracks?

Here is my guess. They dont know what they are writing, thats why!!!You think it is an absurd claim? well read on..
The Doc examines you, maintaining a safe distance all the while, he can not possibly put his finger on which one of those zillions of ailments having the same three common symptoms of cold,cough and fever is troubling you, so he decides to treat the symptoms instead and well....having solved the problem to this extent (have we solved something?) now the Doc is faced with the difficult task of actually prescribing medicine. The Doc thinks"hmmm..let me think..I remember reading in 3rd year pharmacology..there is an antipyrtic which starts with C..has a Z somewhere in between and I guess ends with ENY, yeah i remember that because it rhymed with my girlfriend's nick name, saala..poora naam yaad nahin aa raha hein!!I am sure if I scratch my head I can recollect the name, but I cannot scratch my head in front of the patient!! So, I will let the Pharmacist do the thinking, yes!! that is what I am going to do. I will scribble whatever I can remember and let him fill in the blanks. Saala usse tho patha hona chahiye, after all he studied it for three years."
let me save some typing by saying 'what follows is obvious'.

Hmm..not convinced yet? Well, think about this. They have gone through the same kind of 'professional' education as you and I, agree? yeah, it may be a bit different, but still the learning approach would be similar. Now, tell me what is the formula for mean in Gaussian distribution? You dont know it, do you? When you cannot remember something that you read in 'x'th sem Math (assuming you did not drop it as choice question, and yeah, I dont know in which sem did we have it) how can you expect your Doc to ....(again what follows is obvious)

So, my friend, my advice to you is this. It doesnt matter which doctor do you go to , but always buy the medicines from the best pharmacist. Make sure he is a gold medalist, never compromise on that.


Blogger sudeep said...

I will take this advice seriously ! :-p

10:18 PM  
Blogger test123 said...

Kumaranna yeno full quotes in Hindi , bahut seeka hey kya.

6:22 AM  
Blogger sarvagnaani said...

When i wrote this post..i had just recovered from fever and i had been to iitb hospital where this you-wouldnt-remember-me-once-you-are-cured doc examined me and prescribed some medicine in ofcourse a typical doc's handwriting.. so he is the hero of the post and that should explain the hindi part..

1:24 AM  

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