Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Running nose

I wonder why is it called so. Agreed, some people sneeze so hard that their nose may break away from their face, but surely it cannot run on its own.. because it doesn't have legs you dumbo. (I am laughing my nose out..imagining the sight of my nose running away and carrying my specks with it.. hehehe). Needless to say, I have cold and the quantity of outflow from my nose for the past two days is similar to that of a tap attached to those water carrying lorries, running in full flow. (There is sudden illumination all around me..because a lighted bulb is hanging magically in midair just above my head) Brilliant!! Now I know why is it called running nose, because it is a cruel comparison with the running tap. (Thunderous applause is heard in the background as I try hard to restrain the output of my nose from falling on my keyboard)


Blogger pradyot said...

English. ha! The only language where noses run and feet smell...

3:14 AM  

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