Thursday, March 18, 2010


why do the top two in the-most-loud-mouthed-people-at-work list have such a strong accent that the first word you hear them speak will let you pin point the state..and even the town from which they hail??

and why do they keep talking with each other ALL the time??

and why are they seated next to each other even though they are working on different projects??

and why is their cube right next to mine??? :((

Friday, March 05, 2010

Jumping Signal

got this in a mailing list..

Two people on a bike at red light:

Second person (sitting behind on bike) to first person (the rider) :
Be brave, no one is coming from other side. cross red light.

Then they crossed red light .

second person to first :
Did you see ? nothing happened. and we saved our time.

Next day:
Again second person to first :
Be Brave, cross red light. we ll reach very early.

.. and they crossed...

Next day:
Second person called first (on phone) :
Hello, I am waiting , where are you ?
First: I am in Hospital, Got an accident.
Second: what happened ? , Did you cross red light again?
First: No !
Second : then what ?
First: I was going when light was green
Second: So ?
First: Some "Brave" guy was coming from other side (red light).