Saturday, January 06, 2007

result of attending 2 day workshop

I realised that I :
* cannot listen to talks for more than 2 hrs..
* dont know how a speaker's talk blasting out of huge speakers can put me to sleep when a distant shout of pushcart vendor can disturb my sleep early in the morning.
* cannot stand the way prospective students line up to talk to prospective guides (felt like saying it in stronger words..but it aint my bussiness buddy)
* hate the bussiness like approach of 'researchers'
* am not a person who would enjoy attending conferences/workshops..(infact, I bunked the last session of the workshop, went to a cyber cafe and blogged me..blogging is a good frustration reliever)

on the lighter but more interesting side, I also realised that I :
* did not know the ratio was sooooo skewed..
* hope that the skewed ratio is limited only to theory/engg conference..and world in general is in a better state
* hate that guys have to do all the wooing
* hate that guys are too bad at it and so stupid that they make it very obvious
* slgp cfdpnf roab enah azddpddtgp boe w hfssty fgnaq dpnqfujujpo
(thats not kannada..thats an encrypted msg..try decrypting..and I promise u..u will not be disappointed..hint:the msg is related to last coupla lines..if that helps :D )

PS:I made some major decisions as well, although not exactly related to the theme of workshop..but the workshop it wasn't all bad :)

UPDATE: corrected some semantic errors and added some details that I had missed